142Days 03Hours 50Minutes 44Seconds

Grounds Entrance: Pullers are to use the Gate A entrance off Haskins Road /State Route 64 on the west side of the Fairgrounds, the same as in the past few years. The NTPC Registration Building is located at this entrance. This gate will be open continuously from 4 PM Saturday through Sunday after the event. The NTPA Entry Trailer will be located near the Tech area. We will be using the NTPA rulebook for entry and wristbands. You will be allowed 4 wristbands per pulling vehicle. The insurance is $100.00 per hook, and the entry fee is 1% of the purse payout. The NTPA Entry Trailer will open at 12 Noon on Wednesday and 8 am Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you have any questions contact NTPA at 614-436-1761 or NTPC at 419-354-1434. If you arrive prior to Tuesday at 8 AM, you must report to the NTPC Registration Building located at the “Gate A” entrance after it opens to get your credentials.

Infield parking and entry: For your convenience the infield will be marked with spaces for parking and attendants will be available. Please help us out by parking within the spaces. Due to the increasingly large number of vehicles and traffic on the grounds during the weekend, please limit the number of support vehicles to one, and limit your speed as well as the use of these vehicles. We do appreciate your compliance and cooperation in helping out with this continuing problem. Vehicle stickers and armbands, tickets or credentials will be needed to enter the infield area. This will be strictly enforced throughout the weekend. Again, your cooperation will be appreciated. Support vehicles will be issued a new registration sticker this year.