142Days 03Hours 34Minutes 15Seconds

No tow behinds will be allowed.

Non-emergency vehicles with emergency lights and sirens are not allowed. Only authorized vehicles through the National Tractor Pulling Championships are permitted to have emergency lights and sirens.

Off road vehicles are only allowed on the premise with the purchase of a camping package and must have proof of insurance. Each campsite will be allowed one (1) registered off road vehicle sticker at no cost.

Any off-road vehicle that is stopped without a sticker, will be confiscated and returned to the owner on Sunday morning.

Golf Carts and Lawn Mowers are the preferred vehicles in the campground. High speed vehicles are strongly discouraged, and a 5 MPH speed limit will be enforced. No farm tractors or hay wagon permitted.

All vehicles must be operated by a licensed driver.

All unauthorized motor vehicle traffic must cease between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 a.m. daily during quiet time.