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Event Sponsor

The Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers Assoc. would like to take this opportunity to thank our many sponsors for their time and dedication to the 2022 National Tractor Pulling Championships. It takes the involvement and dedication of many diverse organizations to make this prestigious truck and tractor pull in the world possible.

Maxam Tire North America – Get the job done with reliable tire quality, performance, and unmatched customer service, we propel you to complete even the toughest jobs. https://maxamtire.com/

Ace Doran Hauling & Rigging – whatever the challenge Ace Doran has the equipment and experts to worry-free execution. Check them out at their booth on the Midway or at acedoran.com. https://www.acedoran.com/

Ag Credit – Our mission at AgCredit is to create lifelong opportunities for our customers and employees by striving to be the premier cooperative lender and employer in our rural communities. https://www.agcredit.net/

Amplex – We are a northwest Ohio-based Internet service provider that uses fixed-position wireless technology to provide affordable, reliable broadband Internet access to thousands of households and businesses throughout northwest Ohio. https://amplex.net/

Angry Farmer – From the farm to your garage, Angry Farmer Multi-Purpose Spray is tried and true.  Angry Farmer quickly busts loose rusted parts caused by rust and corrosion.  The lubricant saves time and your equipment and protects against any future rust and corrosion. https://angryfarmerproducts.com/

Bad Dog Tools – Less bark and more bite! Developing new tools is at the heart of what they do at Bad Dog Tools. You can shop and learn more by visiting their website www.baddogtools.com.

Bad Gear – Bad Gear the nation’s premiere diesel apparel company. Our unique and patriotic designs make a perfect addition to you or your loved one’s wardrobe. Visit their “Bad Collection” at www.bad-gear.com.

Beer Money Pulling Team – Beer Money Pulling Team has grown to be the largest social media group in the tractor pulling world. With over 780,000 followers and a reach of over 15 million people per month, you know they are pulling for you! Learn more about them at www.beermoneypullingteam.com.

Blue Coolers – At Blue Coolers we believe best-in-class quality does not have to be tied to high prices.  As such, Blue Coolers provide high quality 10-Day ice at half the price of the competition.  Blue Coolers were selected in 2018 as an additional trophy to the ring winners of each class.  Look at what they have to offer at www.bluecoolers.com

Driven Racing Oil/Gary Schumaker LLC – With a focus on engineering oils that withstand the rigorous demands of racing, Driven Racing Oil enhances engine performance and longevity, allowing drivers to push boundaries with confidence. https://garyschumaker.com/

Callies Performance Products – Callies Performance Products began manufacturing high performance crankshafts in 1989. Callies has grown to be the industry leader for innovative product design. For more details check them out at www.callies.com.

Eldorado Trailer Sales – Eldorado Trailer Sales stocks over 400 trailers and motorhome conversions, and thousands of parts and accessories for all the makes and models that they sell.  https://www.eldoradotrailersales.com/

Hook & Drag – Hook & Drag is your outdoor gear for outdoor people. Check them out at their booth located on the Midway. https://hookanddrag.com/

Kroger – The Kroger stores have offered the National Tractor Pulling Championships General Admission Tickets for sale at over 30 different locations in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan for many years. Shop Kroger for all your tractor pull needs. https://www.kroger.com/

MAGNA Vehtek Systems – Magna Vehtek Systems, a division of the largest North America auto supplier, is growing again. Look for career opportunities at www.magna.com/vehtek

MAHLE Aftermarket Inc. – MAHLE is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry as well as a pioneer and technology driver for the mobility of the future. To see more of their products, service, research and development visit them at www.mahle.com.

Murphy Tractor & Equipment – Murphy Tractor is committed to being the product and support supplier of first choice by customers in the markets that use the products we represent. https://www.murphytractor.com/

Nachurs Alpine – Nachurs Alpine built on quality, integrity, and innovation, we pioneered precision-placed liquid fertilizer in 1946 – formulated to meet the nutritional demands of crops and growing conditions on both sides of the border. https://www.nachurs-alpine.com/

Redline Case IH – Case IH has partnered up with N.T.P.A. in sponsoring tractor pulling at its best. They have been an invaluable part of the National Tractor Pulling Championships, not only supplying the Blue Shirts with track equipment, but also sponsoring the event.  https://www.redlineequipment.com/

Schaeffer’s Oil – Our philosophy: to provide advanced lubricants for improved performance, reliability and fuel economy. https://www.schaefferoil.com/

Truland Equipment – We understand the unique needs and challenges that comes with working your land, and we’re dedicated to delivering solutions that exceed expectations. https://www.trulandequip.com/

University of Northwest Ohio – The University of Northwest Ohio has been a sponsor for many years. Their presence is seen on the track and in the Trade Show. They invite the National Tractor Pulling Championships to their annual “Tractor Trouble Shoot” as honored guests. https://www.unoh.edu/

Valley Freightliner of Toledo – Valley Freightliner of Toledo your full line Freightliner and Western Star Dealer. Covering your big rig needs from new to part and service. Check out their website www.toledofreightliner.com.

Vital Materials USA – Vital Materials evolved rapidly since our founding, yet we remain focused in the areas of rare-metals-based advanced materials and resource recycling. https://en.vitalchem.com/


PullTown Import all ticket and camp data

Contingency Sponsor

The Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers Assoc. has a rapidly growing contingency program. Competitors who finish in the top two positions will share in thousands of dollars in product support from performance part manufacturers and other support companies. This exciting program is drawing interest from a growing number of manufacturers for the event each year.

A special Thank you goes out to the 2024 National Tractor Pulling Championships’ Contingency Sponsors

  • Bullsnot
  • Castners Performance
  • Culver’s Bowling Green, Ohio
  • Nichols Pulling Edge Tires
  • Riverside Engines, Inc.
  • Sassy Racing Engines
  • Victory Fuel
  • Wimer Fuel Injection & Turbo LLC

Trophy Sponsor


Thursday, August 15, 2024 I
4 WD Trucks Track Boss Inc.
Light Super Stocks Risk Strategies
Unlimiteds Jim Ault Memorial
2 WD Trucks Bayer Crop-Science Asgrow / DEKALB
Light Modified SCS Gearbox
Friday, August 16, 2024 II
Super Stock Diesels Farmers Equipment
Super Stock Diesel 4 WDs Farmers & Merchant State Bank
Modified Minis Mid-Wood / Energy & Grain Division
Light Modified Probell Racing Products
Super Farm Tractors Scheid Diesel Service
Friday, August 16, 2024 III
Modified B&D Truck Parts
Pro-Stock Castner's Performance
Super Semis Craig Miller Trucking
Super Stock Open Maumee Valley Pullers
4 WD Trucks Hot Shot's Secret
Saturday, August 17, 2024 IV
Modifieds The Sentinel Tribune
2 WD Trucks Modern Machine
Super Stock Opens Salem Machine & Tool
Super Farm Tractors Bowling Transportation
Light Super Stocks Northern Ohio Grain Co-Op
Saturday, August 17, 2024 V
Super Stock Diesel Pioneer Division of Corteva Agri-Science
Pro-Stock Sandridge
Modified Minis ProFab Machine
Unlimiteds DMC Associates
Super Stock Diesel 4 WD Scheid Diesel Service
Super Semis Whiteford Kenworth